[These and previous minutes are available as a web page on conservation.ecclesfieldgroups.com/. Just click on "Minutes" for the minutes of the last meeting]

Minutes of the Conservation Group meeting of 2010-05-17 (Monday) at 19:30 in the Stocks

[Numbers and letters in square brackets refer to corresponding items in the agenda of the same date. This version of the minutes was last amended on 2010-05-19]


[a.b] Keith Fish chaired the meeting.
[ ] Jim Percival took these minutes.
[b] Including the above, 13 people attended; 2 people sent their apologies; and 31 people currently receive emailed minutes.

Things we are doing

[z] The next meeting of the Conservation Group will be on 2010-06-21 (Monday) at 19:30 in the Stocks.
Keith Fish is to put the state of the village stocks at the next Rotary Club meeting. J.P. [has now given] him a photograph showing their current dilapidated state. If anybody else has any ideas as to what Keith should say in his 15 minute presentation, or wants to suggest a way of replacing the rotten timbers on the stocks, please let Keith know.
Keith said that "Payback" are not keen on using licensed premises for "toilet facilities" and "shelter in case of rain". [Since the meeting, Keith and Mr. David Banham have decided to look into the possibility of using the Gatty Hall. The idea is to extend the work to include the footpath from Priory Road to the main church path, in addition to the original Ladycroft work]
[6] Keith Fish told us that he had attended the Northern Community Assembly meeting at the Primary School at Grenoside at 6:30pm on Wednesday, and reported the excess traffic in the village. However, we were given a copy of a report prepared by John Bann, Head of Transport and Highways which did not list Ecclesfield as a traffic priority. rWe are hoping to obtain the City Council's support and equipment (hi-viz jackets etc.) for doing a traffic survey, but this would have to be done between 7:30-9:00 or 16:00-18:00. If anybody wants to help with this, contact  J.E or Keith Fish.
[x] MB, in his role as Neighbourhood Watch coordinator (of the Priory Area), received an email from his local police team inviting him to participate in a Week of Action on 19th to 25th July 2010 targeting Ecclesfield. These weeks of action, "provide an opportunity for all agencies to pull together and target one area". Prior to the week of action they hold a "walkabout" for all those involved to look at the area and see what needs addressing. This is currently planned for 22nd June. In addition to MB, Keith Fish will also be attending the walkabout in his role as chairman of both the Conservation Group and Village in Bloom.

Things we have done

[3] The wall at the bottom of Stocks Hill opposite to "The Stocks" public house is complete, apart from possibly two topping stones. Some work may also be needed on the steps.

Resolutions Passed

[c] Copies of the Minutes of the meeting of 2010-04-19 were distributed, and approved.
[1] The opinion of the Bloom Group is to be sought on the issue of a possible merger, as suggested at our previous meeting.
[2] We resolved to attend Ecclesfield Gala in the Park, and to seek a joint stand with the Bloom and Scrubbers group. K.F., J.E., R.T., B.C.
[x] We asked our secretary, Roger Tordoff with I.D. to write a letter objecting to some of the features of the planning application for the Old Methodist Chapel. Issues discussed included the replacement of all the stained glass windows, the installation of a protruding oriel window, and the amount of parking provided for two bedroom flats.
[y] We asked JP to write to Premier Stores to ensure that they know that their new shop is within the Ecclesfield Conservation Area, and to give them photographs of some of the excellent signs on nearby premises in anticipation of their replacing the old Mini-Mart sign. [I will report the results to the next meeting. Meanwhile, if anybody has any ideas as to suitable signage, they could talk to the shop, me, MB, or Keith - JP]

Other matters discussed

[ ] Peter Barker, as treasurer, told us that the accounts stand at £619 (less £20 owing).
[7] Possible projects discussed, included the possibility of renovating perhaps three boundary signs for the village. The stone signs at Bradfield were thought to have cost £800, but wooden ones were thought to be cheaper. The problem of locating historical boundaries and finding suitable positions for the signs was mentioned [perhaps Michael Spick of the Local Studies Department could help - JP]
[ ] M.B. described the work of the Ecclesfield Community Safety Group. We were reminded of the importance of  reporting even minor crimes so that their incident numbers would be logged and the police could give appropriate priority to the area. The safety group have also discussed the need for crossings, signs, and speed restrictions.
[ ] The recent "You Choose" event, and the Northern Assemblies requests for feedback, prior to the next event were briefly discussed.

Notes and Information

[ ] The next meeting of Ecclesfield in Bloom will be on 2010-06-01 (Tuesday) at 19:00 pm, upstairs in the Black Bull as indicated on http://ecclesfieldinbloom.co.uk
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